Since our first vintage in 1992, we carry on our commitment to producing top quality Burgundy wines of authenticity, elegance and purity.

Much like humans, vines are living organisms that need to be fed and treated with consideration. Home-produced composts, phytosanitary environmentally-friendly products, plowing, and a carefully preserved biological balance of the soil help us achieve our main cultivation goals.
It depends fully on good management and healthy materials to start with. We aim for yields between 45hl to 50hl for the whites and around 35hl for our reds.
Pneumatic pressing followed by rigorous must settling constitute the first steps in our winemaking process. Natural yeasts are sufficient for sugars to ferment for a period of three to four months in cool cellars built in solid rock, with constant temperatures of 6°C to 8°C in winter.
The ageing process is carried out in oak barrels on lees over a 12-month period (we use about 20% new oak), followed by fining, an important step in achieving a wine’s elegance, olfactory precision and cellaring potential.

It ultimately results from the combination of all our efforts throughout the long 30-month process. All possible care is taken with even the minutest detail, along with the use of high-performance viticultural material: peristaltic pump, pneumatic press, oak barrels between one and five years old, and estate bottling…
We are very passionate about our work here: managing the land, harvest, transforming grapes into wine, maturation, bottling, and bringing our wines to the consumer. We have gathered around us a solid team, composed of  Jean Diosdado, Cathy Jacquelin, Christine A.C. Thomas Boccon, our step-son, and Anna our daughter are led to take over the domain
Fortunately, the wines of Burgundy avoid the materialistic philosophy of today’s society. We must ultimately remember that a good wine is a wine to be drunk!